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Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am with you – Matthew 18

We share our lives and support each other when we gather in as a whole congregation and also when we participate in smaller groups. People come together to serve the community and to help and support one another. We have groups that have met regularly for years and others that are starting all the time. Some of the regularly meeting groups include:

Book Group

The Gethsemane Book Group meets on the last Wednesday of every month at Gethsemane. Members pick books to discuss at the beginning of the year and whoever picks, leads the discussion. Some books are faith-based and some are secular. You can come to one discussion or all of them!

Care Groups

Care Groups are groups of people that get together in members’ homes for fellowship, study, prayer, and mutual support. They meet monthly or semi-monthly. They have gone camping together, studied the Bible and other timely books, and taken on service projects together. Each Care Group takes on its own character.

Men's Breakfast

Men have a chance for fellowship and spiritual growth as they share breakfast together once a month. The group explores a variety of topics with occasional guest speakers. They meet at TeeJaye's, located at the intersection of High St. and Morse Rd. Breakfast and discussion is 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month.

Faith at Work

Faith at Work meets at Bob Evans on Olentangy south of King Ave in the University area from 7 to 8 am one Friday a month for confidential discussion on the connections between our faith life and the many dimensions of work whether at a job, church, home or volunteer.

Health Ministry

The Health Ministry group cares for members of our congregation through visiting our shut-ins and other people. We also host blood drives and other health related services at Gethsemane.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is an outgrowth of the Health Ministry Team. Members knit or crochet prayer shawls and lap robes for the ill, homebound, new moms, or anyone who has experienced a loss or is in a difficult personal time. Baby afghans are also made for newborns in the congregation.

While much of the work on shawls is done at home, the group meets together monthly for prayer, fellowship, and support.


Gethsemane’s people have made hundreds of quilts which are shipped to people in Africa and other countries. Our quilters do a lot of work at home, but they come together regularly to “knot” the quilts, pray for the recipients, and fellowship with each other.