What to Expect at Gethsemane

Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. We hope to make it less so as you come to Gethsemane. We have head-in parking along Stanton Avenue and a parking lot on the east side of the building. The last three spots on Stanton are reserved for visitors; please feel free to make use of those spaces. Entrances to the building are from Stanton Avenue and from the parking lot. The worship space is near the Stanton Avenue entrance.

What should I wear? Whatever makes you comfortable. Whether you want to wear a T-shirt and jeans or a coat and tie, you are welcome at Gethsemane.

For those with disabilities there are reserved parking spaces near the Stanton Avenue entrance. An elevator is available for assistance to the upper and lower levels. Restrooms are handicap accessible. Hearing amplification devices are available in the worship space. If you need further assistance, please call the church office at 614-885-4319.

Children are welcome in worship at Gethsemane, and yes, we know they make noise! Kids who need a break and their parents can go to the Narthex (Lobby) during worship where parents can still hear the service. Of course, we also have a nursery staffed with volunteers for children from infancy through kindergarten. It is on the lower level in room 123. Diaper changing facilities are available in restrooms on both levels.

Worship at Gethsemane is a participatory experience. There is singing, prayer, and congregational responses. We begin by coming together to confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness. We hear God’s Word in the Bible lessons read and in the sermon. We lift our joys and concerns in prayer. Holy Communion feeds us for the next week’s journey, and we are sent back into the world prepared for loving service. Between the worship and education hours we gather in our atrium space for fair trade coffee and (often home-made) treats. It is a joyous atmosphere that draws us closer to God and to each other.

Christian Education for all ages begins at 10:45 am on Sunday mornings during the school year. Preschool children gather on the lower level in the first classroom to enjoy a short Bible story, a song, a craft, and a snack. Parents often stay close by to catch up with each other. The older children’s and youth classes meet upstairs in the educational space. Elementary age children examine a Bible story from several perspectives (art, drama, music, etc.) over a couple of weeks. Confirmation-age youth participate in their own Bible study, and high school youth meet to discuss a variety of topics from the Bible, current events, spirituality, and Christian living. Adults may choose to go to Bible Study or the Adult Forum. The Bible Study, which meets in the library at 8:15am, studies one book at a time with concentration and depth. The Adult Forum, which meets after worship at 10:45am covers a wide variety of topics, and the content and teacher changes regularly. Click here for the current themes. Adult education continues through the summer while the kids take a break.

Is that the end? No, it’s just the beginning. From Sunday morning our worshipers go out to be representatives of God’s love and service in the world. They are teachers, business owners, and office workers. But beyond that work, during the week we may be working on the latest Habitat House, serving a meal at Faith Mission, or making a quilt to go somewhere in the world where there is need. Please join us in the adventure of following Jesus!