If you enjoy reading and discussing the books you have read, then join Gethsemane’s Book Group in the discussion of Laird Hunt’s book Zorrie: a novel on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 7:00pm in the church library. Jeanne Auseon will lead the discussion.
Join us at 10am for Midweek Connections, in the GLC Library, to watch & discuss Bishop Budde's sermon in its entirety!
Mark your calendar for this event facilitated by camp staff from HopeWood Outdoors hosted by our friends across the river at Lord of Life. More details coming.
Our youth sub sale fundraiser will take orders before and after worship on Sun. Jan. 26 and Sun. Feb. 2. Orders will be available for pickup after worship on Sun. Feb. 9 (Superbowl Sunday). We will again have the option to purchase extra subs for Jacob’s Porch, the ministry to college students across from the […]
Gethsemane Food Pantry is updated by Jane Sieberth. Distributing food each Wednesday afternoon, the Gethsemane Food Pantry’s primary goal is to provide a source of supplemental food for needy clients in our broad neighborhood. A secondary goal is to provide an opportunity for fellowship among clients and between clients and members of Gethsemane.
This is the time of year when we have our Annual Ingathering of Food and Money on “Souper” Bowl Sunday for the Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry and for Gethsemane’s Food Pantry. For the LSS Food Pantry: We are asking all who would like to participate to bring cash or check (payable to Gethsemane Lutheran […]
Danette Miller of the Haitian Timoun Foundation a grassroots movement with a vision for a Haiti where ALL are valued and thrive. Since 2000, HTF has been working to cultivate hope and transform lives in Haiti. The class meets in the Sanctuary following worship this morning. NEXT WEEK: Foreign Assistance and Transformational Development with Carol […]
On Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 7:00pm in Gethsemane’s Great Hall we will have an interval training workout focusing on total body strength paired with cardio bursts. Instructor, Victoria Haag, will use a variety of formats to provide a great workout that will burn calories. Modifications will be given when needed, making this a class perfect […]
Four years ago Jean Beauzil secured a Visa to travel to the US from his native Haiti. His plan was to work and earn money for his family while having a respite from the awful situation in Haiti. While here, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) was granted to Haitian all immigrants, allowing them to work and […]
Our next quilting workday will be Saturday, Feb. 22, 9am-12 noon. We have lots of quilts to finish with knots! New this year is an expanded destination for Lutheran World Relief quilts. Not only will they continue to be sent overseas, quilts will now also be sent to areas in the US that are experiencing […]
The Book Group meets on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7:00pm in the library to discuss The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. Jane Sieberth is the discussion leader. All Are Welcome!